Women Like Us Center, Kenya

Please join us for our Annual Fundraiser to educate women in Kenya to continue their economic stability and live their best lives.

Our goal is $25,000 to purchase land just waiting for us and

$50,000 to build another building.
And, as always, we need many more donations to help the teen moms, place more sewing machines, and computers to help our women to become economically stable.

Organizational Background

Women Like Us is a women-led organization based in Kenya that seeks to empower women and girls in need (especially those facing cultural gaps, financial needs, physical disabilities, and lack of education) for self-realization and economical development.

It was established in 2013 as a Teens’ program dubbed “Invest in Teens”, which was a sanitary towels distribution program funded by friends and local partners.

In 2015 the Women Like Us Foundation of the United States stepped forward and partnered with next steps providing funds, strategies and offered the licensed name, Women Like Us, and helped introduce the “Jiendeleze” Program which was focusing on women’s financial growth through farming, table banking, and poultry keeping. In 2022 the name Women Like Us Centre was officially adopted and registered as a non-profit and non-partisan community-based organization

Up to date, the center responds to the various changes and challenges facing women and girls in the broader community. We invest in empowering women and girls to realize their full potential, worth, and strength politically, socially, and economically through advocating for their human and social justice rights

We recognize that the survival of women and their community is increasingly challenged by economic dependency, illiteracy, gender inequalities and marginalization, HIV AIDS, Sexual and Gender-based violence, and insensitive laws and policies.

Women Like Us Centre has over the years reached directly and indirectly to over 10,000 women and girls and their families. Our carefully designed evidence-based interventions benefit women and girls, their families, and the nation.

Today, Women Like Us Centre (WLUC) has grown significantly in size, scope, and breadth, including the establishment of the community skills training and development facility

Mandate: Is to strengthen, empower and promote the capability of women and society at large on combating SGBV, livelihood, human rights protection, peacebuilding, and democratic principles.


Our Vision is to have stronger, self-sufficient girls and women who are able to create sustainable change for themselves, their families, and the community.


Our Mission is to be a catalyst that leverages its extensive reach and partnership to spark economical commitment and investments in girls and women everywhere.

We are committed to our Values – Transparency, Integrity Accountability, and Inclusiveness

Project Background and Rationale

Women empowerment program is designed to promote gender equality and provide women with the tools and resources they need to succeed in all aspects of their lives. The program aims to increase women’s participation in decision-making processes, improve their access to education, health care, and economic opportunities, and promote their overall well-being.

The rationale behind a women empowerment program is based on the recognition that women face numerous obstacles and barriers that prevent them from achieving their full potential. These obstacles can include discrimination, gender-based violence, limited access to education and economic opportunities, and cultural and social norms that limit women’s roles and responsibilities.

Women empowerment programs seek to address these challenges by providing women with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed, creating supportive networks and communities, and advocating for policies and practices that promote gender equality.

In addition to the social justice implications of women’s empowerment, there is also a strong economic case for investing in women. Studies have shown that when women are empowered, they have a positive impact on their families, communities, and economies. Women’s increased participation in the workforce, for example, can lead to increased economic growth and poverty reduction.

Overall, a women empowerment program is an important tool for promoting gender equality, advancing women’s rights, and creating a more just and equitable society

Project Justification

There are numerous reasons why a women empowerment program is a vital and necessary initiative. Here are some key justifications:

  1. Gender inequality: Women have historically faced systematic discrimination and marginalization across various sectors, including education, employment, and politics. Women empowerment programs can help to address these issues and provide women with the resources, skills, and opportunities needed to overcome these challenges.


  1. Economic empowerment: Empowering women can have a significant impact on economic development. By providing women with the skills and resources needed to start their own businesses or participate in the workforce, they can generate income, support their families, and contribute to their communities.


  1. Social empowerment: Women empowerment programs can also help to address social issues, such as domestic violence, gender-based violence, and discrimination. By educating women on their rights, providing them with support and resources, and empowering them to advocate for themselves, these programs can help to create a more just and equitable society.


  1. Health and well-being: Women often face unique health challenges, such as maternal mortality, sexual and reproductive health issues, and lack of access to healthcare. Women empowerment programs can provide women with the education and resources needed to address these issues and improve their overall health and well-being.


  1. Sustainable development: Empowering women is critical to achieving sustainable development. Women are often the primary caretakers of their families and communities, and their empowerment can have a ripple effect on the well-being of future generations.


Overall, a women empowerment program such as Women Like Us Centre is a critical initiative that can help to address a range of social, economic, and health issues. By empowering women, we can create a more just, equitable, and sustainable world

Project Activities

Training on

  • Computer skills
  • Hairdressing
  • Beauty
  • Fashion and Design / Sewing
  • Counseling one-on-one and group therapy
  • Job placement and training

Currently we have 160 women and girls each week who are learning computer skills. And over 100 women are certified sewing individuals and are earning wages for sewing school uniforms, draperies, sanitary towels kits, and more.


Project Expected Results

  1. Increased economic opportunities: A women empowerment program can help women access education and training, develop new skills, and create or expand businesses, which can lead to increased economic opportunities and financial independence.


  1. Improved health and well-being: Empowering women can lead to better health outcomes, as they are better able to access healthcare and make decisions about their own health and that of their families.


  1. Increased political participation: Women who are empowered may become more involved in political processes, including voting, running for office, and advocating for policies that benefit women and their communities.


  1. Reduced gender-based violence: Empowering women can help to reduce gender-based violence, as women gain greater awareness of their rights and become more confident in asserting them.


  1. Improved social outcomes: Empowered women can contribute to the social well-being of their families and communities, as they are better able to access resources, participate in decision-making, and advocate for social justice.

Beneficiaries and Participants

  1. Women from low-income households: Many women from low-income households face various challenges such as lack of education, access to healthcare, and economic opportunities. Empowerment programs can help such women gain the skills, knowledge, and resources they need to improve their lives.


  1. Survivors of domestic violence: Women who have experienced domestic violence often suffer from low self-esteem, lack of confidence, and financial dependence on their abusers. Empowerment programs can help them rebuild their lives, gain financial independence, and regain their confidence.


  1. Women entrepreneurs: Women entrepreneurs face unique challenges in starting and growing their businesses. Empowerment programs can provide them with business training, access to financing, and networking opportunities.


  1. Women in leadership positions: Women in leadership positions face various obstacles such as bias, stereotypes, and discrimination. Empowerment programs can help them develop the skills and confidence they need to succeed in their roles.


  1. Beneficiaries of this project will include not only the women themselves but also their families, communities, and society. Empowered women are more likely to invest in their children’s education, participate in community development projects, and contribute to the overall economic growth and development of their
Women Men/youths Girls Boys Total No
1,000 600 400 200 2,200


WLUC will organize a project evaluation at the end of the project to assess the intervention impact. The evaluation will center on:

  1. Defined program’s goals and objectives: What the program’s intended outcomes are.
  2. Develop appropriate evaluation metrics: Develop appropriate evaluation metrics to measure its effectiveness. Use of metrics such as income levels or employment rates to evaluate its impact.


  1. Collect data: This will involve surveys, interviews, focus groups, or other data collection methods.


  1. Analyze data: Use statistical analysis to determine whether any observed changes are statistically significant.


  1. Report findings: Report your findings to stakeholders, such as program funders, program participants, or policymakers. Include an assessment of the program’s effectiveness, as well as any recommendations for improving the program.

Indicators of Achieving the Objectives

  1. Increased participation of women in decision-making processes: This can be measured by the number of women in leadership positions or on boards of organizations, the number of women who are engaged in political activities or voting, and the number of women who are participating in community activities.


  1. Improved access to education and training: This can be measured by the number of women who have completed education or training programs and the level of skills acquired by women.


  1. Increased economic empowerment: This can be measured by the number of women who have started or expanded their businesses, the increase in women’s income and savings, and the number of women who are employed in formal or informal sectors.


  1. Improved health and well-being: This can be measured by the reduction in maternal mortality rates, the improvement in the quality of maternal and child health services, and the increase in women’s access to reproductive health services.


  1. Increased awareness and engagement on gender equality issues: This can be measured by the number of women and men who participate in gender sensitization and awareness-raising activities, the number of organizations that have adopted gender-sensitive policies and practices, and the number of media outlets that have covered gender equality issues.


    1. Overall, the success of this project will be assessed based on the impact it has on the lives of women and their communities

Project Sustainability

  1. The program will require careful planning, execution, and evaluation.


  1. Define your program objectives and outcomes: We shall clearly define the program objectives, target beneficiaries, and the outcomes we wish to achieve. This will help us design effective program interventions that are relevant and impactful.


  1. Identify potential partners and stakeholders: Partnering with like-minded organizations and stakeholders will help us leverage resources and expertise and create a wider impact. Identifying potential partners and stakeholders who share our vision and values.


  1. Develop a comprehensive program plan: Create a comprehensive program plan that outlines the strategies and activities we will use to achieve our program objectives. The plan will include clear timelines, roles, and responsibilities.


  1. Develop a monitoring and evaluation framework: Develop a robust monitoring and evaluation framework that will help us track program progress, measure impact, and make data-driven decisions.


  1. Ensure program sustainability: Sustainability is at the heart of this program design. We shall consider how our program interventions will continue to operate and have an impact after the initial funding period ends. This includes exploring ways to generate income or secure long-term funding to sustain the program.


  1. Foster a supportive environment: Creating a supportive environment for women’s empowerment is crucial for the sustainability of this program. We shall engage with community leaders, policymakers, and other key stakeholders to promote gender equality and support women’s empowerment.


  1. Continuously learn and improve: It is important to continuously learn from the program experiences, adapt and improve the program design and implementation, and share your knowledge with others in the field.


Requested amount: 7500 USD BELOW ARE FUNDS NEEDED TO KEEP THE WOMEN LIKE US CENTER OPERATIONALA commitment to a monthly donation is most important for the Women Like Us Center. The monthly donation gives our work accountability and regular expectations to continue forward.


Electric @500*12 =600

Water @500*12 =600

Internet @5000*12=1200

Rent@$350 per month.

Security Watchman. $100 per month ($1200 per year)


Sewing Teacher= $1200 per year. ($100 per month)

Computer Teacher=. $1200 per year. ($100 per month)

Hairdressing Teacher. $1200 per year ($100 per month)

Executive Director and Program Coordinator Salary=$4000 per year ($400 per month)


10 electric machines @$550X10=$5,500

10 computers @2250 X10=$2,250